Puff Pastry ~ Apple Turnovers

Yesterday after lunch, I spent sometime flipping through this book "孟老师的下午茶“ and saw this apple recipe. I suddenly remember I still have some ready made puff pastry sheets and green apples lying in my fridge. So without second thoughts I quickly took out the ingredients and started to make this quick and easy recipe for my family afternoon tea.

Here is the recipe (adapted from孟老师的下午茶)

4 sheets Frozen puff pastry
400g Green apples
40g Sugar
20g Butter
2 tsp Cinnamon powder
1 tsp Corn flour
1 Egg - lightly beaten for egg wash


As I still have two pastry sheets left, I finished it off with some blueberry filling. No recipe, just follow the steps below.

Enjoy your afternoon tea!

Kitchen tips

You may like this ~ Puff Pastry - Almond Biscuit

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