Baked Red Yeast Mooncakes
125g plain flour
5g red yeast powder
85g sugar syrup
25g peanut oil
1/2tsp alkaline water
360g lotus paste filling (I used red date longan lotus paste)
- Mix sugar syrup, peanut oil and alkaline water together thoroughly.
- Sift plain flour and red yeast powder in a bowl. Make a well in the center and pour in sugar syrup mixture. Use a rubber spatula to mix and form to a soft dough. Cover with a cling wrap and let it rest for 30 minutes.
- Divide dough into 11-12 portions, about 20g each and roll into balls. Wrap the dough around the lotus paste filling (30g).
- Roll it into ball and dust with some flour. Press firmly into mould, unmould and place on a lined baking tray.
- Bake at preheated oven 170 deg C for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and rest mooncakes to cool for about 15 minutes. Then bake the mooncakes again for another 10-15 minutes.
- Leave mooncakes to cool down completely before storing into an airtight container. This mooncake can be eaten immediately after baked or wait for about 3 days for the mooncake skin to soften (回油) before consuming.
125克 普通面粉
5克 红曲粉
85克 糖浆
25克 花生油
1/2茶匙 碱水
360克 莲蓉馅 (我用红枣龙眼莲蓉馅)
- 把糖浆,碱水和花生油混合均匀。
- 将面团和红曲粉一起过筛在大碗里,中间挖个同,倒入混合好的糖浆。用橡皮刮刀拌成软面团,盖上保鲜纸放置一旁静置30分中。
- 然后将面团分成11-12份,每份20克,搓圆压扁,包入莲蓉馅(30克)。
- 再搓圆,粘上少许粉,压入月饼模,扣出排放在烤盘上(底部铺纸)。
- 放入预热烤箱摄氏170度,烤约10分钟,取出待冷15分钟,再放入烤箱,烤10-15分钟即可。
- 待月饼完全凉后,可以马品尝或装进盒子里;等月饼回油后(约3天),就可以切块享用了。