Birthday Cake - Kadabra

Sean Tze passed me a piece of paper printed from the websites few days ago said he wants Kadabra to be on his birthday cake. At first glance, I asked: Who is this?  (I expected he wants R2-D2 or Darth Vadar from Star War) He told me this is Kadabra and it is belong to a Pokemon family. Well, since Sean Tze is celebrating his 7th birthday today with his friends, I baked a 3kg chocolate sponge cake with orange chocolate ganache and chocolate mousse in the cake, of course  Kadabra is a must on the cake. But I had put two wrong colors, the star on the forehead of Kadabra should be pink and the spoon is silver color. Anyway Sean Tze liked the cake and he didn't complain about the colors ;))

I'm quite curious about this Kadabra so I checked on the sites of Pokemon...Kadabra is a strong psychic Pokémon that owes much of its power to the alpha waves,  it emits from its body at all times. These alpha waves are affected by Kadabra's current mental state - if it has a headache, the waves change. The psychic power it gives off can also trigger off headaches to nearby humans. It is also said to grow more powerful when faced with a difficult opponent. The silver spoon that Kadabra holds amplifies the waves' power - if it does not hold a spoon, it is said to be limited to half the usual amount of its telekinetic powers. 

Happy 7th Birthday Sean Tze!
